Sign up as a member of RO116 and join with Christians from across the valley who believe the good news of Jesus Christ is worth supporting and sharing!
We promise your information will be held completely private and not shared with other organizations or businesses. By signing up you agree to receive RO116 emails with information about upcoming events, Fast Pitchers, and resources. Oh yeah, you can also follow RO116 on Facebook.
In the quarterly giving link below, you can make your membership donation and will be given the option to give towards RO116’s $1.50 credit card fee.
Want to be a regular supporter and member of RO116? Sign up for recurring payments and make our Gospel Grants even bigger. Note that we do not always meet quarterly, but the $116.00 quarterly donations will fund make the giving amounts for gospel grants even bigger.
To be a good steward of RO116, we set aside $16.00 of each $116.00 donation to cover administrative costs and overhead for the organization. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about your donation. We are a 501C3 organization and your donation is tax deductible.