RO116’s purpose is to create space for Christians to be inspired, equipped & investing their funds to support kingdom building in the Treasure Valley.
Every time we meet, 300 Christians invest $116 ($30K+) in gospel sharing organizations in the Treasure Valley so our communities are filled with citizens with hope, joy and peace. There’s also Christ-centered professional development for business leaders at each gathering.
What would the Boise metro area look like in twenty years if the Body of Christ united to build God’s kingdom? Unity is the force multiplier we employ for spreading the gospel!
For too long, our government and public systems have invested time, talent and money into solutions that don’t last. Which has the greatest impact on individuals, families and our communities… behavior modification or spiritual transformation that addresses the heart?
As more and more people move into the Treasure Valley, the fastest growing metro in the nation, how might we capitalize on this phenomenon to impact the kingdom of God? What if we became known as the most effective metro at sharing the good news of Jesus?
Who makes up the bulk of this new growth & what might it mean in how we share the gospel? We need targeted approaches that capture the hearts and minds of young tech professionals and retirees.
Whose responsibility is it to share the good news in the Treasure Valley? All Christians, yet, most don’t due to fear or feeling unqualified. What if the gospel could be easily shared through collective impact funding that multiplies each person’s investment?